Monday, March 23, 2009

Natalie's counts are at 20.

Slow and steady wins the race. . .

Natalie is tons better. She has more energy and is doing some art right now with a UCSF volunteer.

I got a ton of help this Saturday at home with her new bed. First, Adano and Gene came to help tear down the old bed and futon. Then Gene, Sean and I went to pickup Natalie's new bed. Geno's Highlander almost got hit by a wildman driving a pickup, but Natalie's angel was on the job and they stopped in time. Gene finished the delivery and took off.

Sean and I put the bed together. I had him bring some of the small boxes upstairs. Then he opened them and took the pieces out of the packing. He held up the headboard while I positioned the sides and handed me some of the small pieces.

Don showed up and helped me toss the packaging in the recycling bin, then we filled up his truck with the old stuff. It took two trips! A family in our church had a house fire, but they are currently staying in a hotel. Don is going to store our stuff in his garage until the family has a more permanent home.

Alvin showed up right when we were finishing up with Don's 2nd load. Don took off, then Armando brought his truck and we drove over to Tony's place. Tony heard that Natalie was getting a new bed and wanted to see if Sean wanted his old bunkbeds. It just so happened that Tony had just gotten new beds for his sons, so we scored their nice wooden bunkbed.

Alvin, Sean and I drove together and Armando drove separately. We went up Tony's steep driveway, then I left Sean in the car and ran to see Tony's new puppy. Yarg, I fergot me son! I carried Sean in and showed him the puppy. He didn't want to get licked, but he wandered around until he found the electric slot cars. He played with the cars while we loaded up. I asked him later that night and Sean said that was his favorite part of the day. (Yes, even better than helping me. I was kinda hard on him. "Gimme the little piece. No, the little piece! The other little piece." *sigh*)

We went back home, unloaded the, ahem, certified preowned bunkbed, put it together, then they left. There were a lot of people involved and it was pretty car-azy morning, but it all worked out. I was stressed because there were so many moving pieces and I didn't have solid commitments. We had a lot of help, so I wasn't that tired physically, but I was more mentally exhausted. Too much jumping to conclusions?

I spent the night at the hospital Saturday. Natalie is on 3 different antibiotics, plus they are doing 4 hour feeds. Then there is the normal checking vital signs (every 4 hours) and bathroom breaks. That makes for many interruptions throughout the night. We can't really sleep in, because they bring breakfast, take out our trash, check for dirty linen, yadda, yadda, yadda. Yadda. Yadda? I made up a do not disturb sign and taped it on the door handle. I figure it buys me maybe another hour of undisturbed rest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow can't wait to see what Natalies new bed looks like! Natalie can you describe it for Savannah?

Love from the Hopkins!!!!