Monday, March 16, 2009

Low Again

Natalie's counts are extremely low again. Her ANC was at 40 on Saturday and I was afraid to ask what they were yesterday. I knew there was nothing I could do about it and it would just stress me out more. This round seems to be kicking her hard. She has not been her normal, energetic self. I don't know if she is just getting tired of the hospital or if it's all the medication she is getting. Even her nurses have noticed that she is more withdrawn and quiet. She still has a headache as well.

Last Wed and Thursday were her best days so far this round. She was happy and energetic. She even went down to play Bingo. Of course, her ANC was at 2,640 on Wed so that made a big difference.

We are hoping and praying that her counts start going up this week. We are a little down too to see Natalie this way. It's also hard to be in a room this long without a view too, even if it's a nice room. Sometimes we lose track of time just being in there. Please continue to pray for no complications for Natalie and her counts go up soon!


Anonymous said...

OK Tammy, I will both pray & get more word out for specific prayers!
We love you!
love, maritza

Anonymous said...

We continue to pray daily.
Love, Angelica

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the posts throughout all this, Tammy. Our family prays for you, and both Madeline and Kyle pray for Natalie everyday. Kyle even prays for "Nah-lee Nah-ka-tahni" before meals! :)

Much love to you guys from us Kiyuna's....

Patricia said...

We are praying for you!!! Hope we get to learn another new song soon! :)