Friday, April 10, 2009

We're Home!

Sorry for not updating yesterday. We found out that very morning that Natalie could go home so it was a whirlwind for us to pack all her stuff and get her situated at home. Boy, does she have a lot of stuff!

We've been enjoying our family time together at home. Sean was leaping with joy when he saw Natalie at the door. Natalie LOVES her new bed and the elephant quilt that Mary made for her. She spent most of the day in her new bed playing with Sean and their stuffed animals.

We decided to dye Easter eggs last night. That was really fun for both Natalie and Sean. Natalie had forgotten how fun it is to dye eggs. We think it was because last year we didn't stick with the tradition because we were in Niagara Falls for Easter. The year before we were in Seattle so it's been a long time. Of course, Sean was really rough with his boiled eggs since it was his first time. It was a miracle he didn't crack any.

Today, Easter packages came in the mail for the kids from their grandparents and Uncle Herb and Auntie Linda. They are both happily eating and playing with their Easter treats right now. We are doing well. We're praying for no fevers so Natalie can stay home until next Tuesday!


Cathy S said...

Just popped by hoping to find an update. Yippee! Tell Natalie that she's keeping us faithful. We love to hear about answered prayers. said...

Ditto here! Yippeee! Enjoy this precious time at home. Cant wait to see the new elephant room! Hugs to you all :)

Unknown said...

Woo hoo! So glad to hear that she's home. Enjoy your time together.
The Kiyuna's

danna said...

just stopped by to see if there was an update...I'm sooo happy that you all are at home and enjoying it! Have a great weekend and Happy Easter!

~Miss Danna